1 阵列和物件
当然,再回想一下当初入行时,跟着小布老师学习Oracle的时候,他推荐了一本英文原版书,大名鼎鼎的Tom Kyte的Oracle 9i编程艺术,我跟着小布老师的节奏,尝试着捏着鼻子人模人样的读起英文技术书籍。Tom在书中讲到,RAID[Redundant Array of Independent Disks]技术,业内习惯叫磁盘阵列,完整的翻译,我觉得应该叫冗余独立磁盘阵列。说不定,这个术语就是沿用了台湾那边的叫法。
2 数组的数据类型是object
const cars['BMW','NISSAN','Benz']; console.log(typeof cars); //object
Arrays are a special type of objects. The
operator in JavaScript returns “object” for arrays.But, JavaScript arrays are best described as arrays.
Arrays use numbers to access its “elements”. In this example,
returns BMW。引自w3schools:
3 数组的元素可以是对象
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!--@Author:asher @Date:2021/7/9 08:01 --> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <h2>JavaScript Arrays</h2> <p>Array.forEach() calls a function for each array element.</p> <p id="demo"></p> <p id="demo2"></p> <script> const fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'grape', 'pear']; let text='<ul>'; fruits.forEach(myFunc); text+='</ul>'; document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = text; const newArray = [myFunc(), fruits]; document.getElementById('demo2').innerHTML = newArray; function myFunc(value) { text+='<li>'+value+'</li>'; } </script> </body> </html>
4 数组添加元素
语法1:数组名.push(‘新元素’); 数组名.push(‘新元素1′,’新元素2’);
语法2: 数组名[数组名.length]=’新元素’;
语法3:数组名[100]=’新元素’; 当索引下标超出数组现有长度时,添加不会失败,也不会像Java那样抛出IndexOutOfArrayLenth的错误。只是,此时该新添加的元素被放到一个undefined ‘hole’ in the array.
Adding elements with high indexes can create undefined “holes” in an array:
4.5补充(2021.07.10) 数组头、尾部操作
a 头部删除/添加元素shift()/unshift()
b 尾部添加/删除元素push()/pop()
5 避免使用new Array()来创建数组
The new
keyword only complicates the code. It can also produce some unexpected results:
// This creates an array with two elements (40 and 100): const points = new Array(40, 100); // This creates an array with 40 undefined elements !! const points = new Array(40);
6 数组和对象的区别
In JavaScript, arrays use numbered indexes.
In JavaScript, objects use named indexes.
Arrays are a special kind of objects, with numbered indexes.
Arrays use numbers to access its “elements”.数组使用基于数字的索引下标来访问元素:
const person=['John','Kate']; let name = person[0];
Objects use names to access its “members”. 对象使用基于key值的下标来访问数据:
const person={firstName:"John",lastName:'Kate',age:40}; let name=person.firstName;
7 When to Use Arrays. When to use Objects.
- You should use objects when you want the element names to be strings (text).
- You should use arrays when you want the element names to be numbers.
8 How to Recognize an Array
const cars = ['BMW','Benz']; typeof cars ;//结果是object,这时怎么判断它是数组呢?
方法1:To solve this problem ECMAScript 5 defines a new method Array.isArray()
// To solve this problem ECMAScript 5 defines a new method Array.isArray(): Array.isArray(cars); //返回结果是true,说明是数组
方法2:The instanceof
operator returns true if an object is created by a given constructor:
//The instanceof operator returns true if an object is created by a given constructor: cars instanceof Array;// return true.
方法3:利用constructor property来判断
const fruits = ['apple','mongo']; let isArray = isArray(fruits); function isArray(array){ return array.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1; }
或者利用constructor property的一种更简单的判断方式:
const fruits = [1,2,3]; let x = isArray(fruits); function isArray(array){ return array.constructor === Array; }
9 数组的自动toString
JavaScript automatically converts an array to a comma separated string when a primitive value is expected.
This is always the case when you try to output an array.
These two examples produce the same result:
All JavaScript objects have a toString() method.