1 public
2 private
final and private
Any private methods in a class are implicitly final.Because you can’t access a private mehtod,you can’t override it.You can add the final specifier to a private method,but it doesn’t give that the method extra meaning.
This issue can cause confusion,because if you try to override a private method(which is implicitly final),it seems to work,and the compiler doesn’t give an error message.
“Overriding” can only occur if something is part of the base-class interface.That is,you must be able to upcast an object to its base type and call the same method.If a method is private,it isn’t part of the base-class interface.
If you create a public,protected,or package–access method with the same name in the derived class,there is no connection to the method that might happen to have that name in the base class.You havent overriden the mehtod;you’ve just create a new method.Since a private method is unreachable and effectively invisible out side of the base-class.
——–摘抄并稍微改写自《Thinking in Java》第4版 英文版P268-269
- 类中的字段都设置为private;
- 如果有一些辅助性的方法,只是在当前类中使用的话,也要设置为private;
- private一般不会用于去修饰一个类;
3 protected
- 要么你是我的子类,不管你是不是和我在同一个包下,只要是我的子类即可;
- 要么你就得和我在同一个package下。意思是,如果你不是我的子类的话,你如果还想要访问我,那么你就必须得和我在同一package下,没得任何商量余地。当然,如果你和我在同一个包下,不管你是不是我的子类,你都可以访问我。
4 default|package
5 样例代码
package ThinkingInJavaPractice.ReusingClasses; /** * @Author:asher * @Date:2021/3/12 21:57 * @Description:ThinkingInJavaPractice.ReusingClasses * @Version:1.0 */ class WithFinals{ private final void f() { System.out.println("WithFinals.f()"); } private void g() { System.out.println("WithFinals.g()"); } } class OverridingPrivate extends WithFinals { private final void f() { System.out.println("OverridingPrivate f()"); } private final void g() { System.out.println("OverridingPrivate g()"); } } class OverridingPrivate2 extends OverridingPrivate{ public final void f() { System.out.println("OverridingPrivate2 f()"); } public final void g(){ System.out.println("OverridingPrivate2 g()"); } } public class FinalOverridingIllusion { public static void main(String[] args) { OverridingPrivate2 op2 = new OverridingPrivate2(); op2.f(); op2.g(); //you can upcast, OverridingPrivate op = op2; //but you cant call the methods: //不注释下面的2行代码,编译器将报错 //op.f(); //op.g(); //同样的道理,虽然op2可以upcast成WithFinals父类,但是并不能调用父类中的方法,f()和g() WithFinals wf = op2; //wf.f(); //wf.g(); } } //输出结果 //OverridingPrivate2 f() //OverridingPrivate2 g()